
My name is Agan.


I just received a notification that you’re now an BCM! I received this because you will be on my marketing team, and I will be your sponsor in BCM.


As your sponsor, I’m here to help you with any questions you might have, and I’ll do my best to support you in any other way I can. I’m successful ONLY if the affiliates on my team are successful, so please don’t hesitate to contact me for whatever assistance you might need!


You can e-mail me at:


Or you can contact me on FB    https://www.facebook.com/agan.fetic.5


I also wanted to let you know that you’ve made a great decision joining BCM. BCM isn’t just leading people into the future; they’re creating it with their groundbreaking business model that has made it possible for thousands of people all over the world to profit from the Internet revolution. Your timing is great, too, because BCM is poised to explode with growth over the next five years.


What you need to do now is go to: https://blockchainmine.org/?ref=Fetic Just log in and follow the \”getting started\” directions. I’ve also left a special message there for you.


Again, congratulations and welcome to BCM. I look forward to working with you!




Agan Fetic